The first award for mentoring programmes in the 2020 European Mentoring Summit

Press Release – 26 of October 2021

Campus Connections Aotearoa (NZ) received the highest rating from the philanthropists

The 2020 European Mentoring Summit brought together more than 350 people from 28 different nationalities for a whole week. The aim of the third edition of this international event was to talk about mentoring as a tool for social inclusion in the context of the Covid-19 global pandemic. During the event, the mentoring community proved how important it is to create synergies to keep advancing and improving the social impact of mentoring across the world.

One of the big news of this Summit was the celebration of the first Philanthropic Track, an activity that aimed to give eight mentoring organisations the opportunity to present their programmes in front of potential sponsors. The participating mentoring programmes were biffy Berlin (DE), Campus Connections Aotearoa (NZ), BUDDY (SK), Fostering Healthy Futures (US), kein Abseits! (DE), Rossinyol Barcelona (SP), Mentoring Association (UKR) and SERVUS – EDU4U (NL).

A representative from each of the programmes got to pitch in front of the philanthropists Mar Porras, from Ricoh, Miquel Antonijuan, from Fundació Nous Cims, and Nil Roda, from Fundació Naccari Ravà. After the presentations, the philanthropists gave their feedback to the participants, with tips and recommendations when it comes to putting their projects forward in front of potential sponsors.

The three philanthropists also took part in a roundtable moderated by Laura Llinàs, Executive Coordinator at Observatori Dona Empresa i Economia of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce. During the session, they talked about their experience as sponsors of social projects. The public of the roundtable got to learn about how to approach potential donors and put forward the best pitch.

On Friday the 9th of October, during the Closing Ceremony of the 2020 European Mentoring Summit, the winner of the Philanthropic was announced: Campus Connections Aotearoa (NZ), represented by Kelsey Deane, received the 1000€ prize. Overall, the eight participants gave a very positive rating of this exclusive session.

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Press contact:

Carina Garcia Mesegué
+34 630 98 73 21